
比特幣減半區塊費用高達 2.4 萬美元

Key Points: Bitcoin halving block 840,000 sees a surge in rune minting, boosting block revenue to 21.74 BTC. Users spend 37.67 BTC ($2.4 million) in fees on block 840,000, making it Bitcoin’s most valuable digital real estate. Anticipation for the Runes protocol drives increased Ordinal inscriptions...


Hedgey Finance 在 Arbitrum 和以太坊上被駭客竊取 44.7 萬美元

鏈上代幣基礎設施提供商 Hedgey Finance 遭受了兩次攻擊,攻擊者利用了其代幣索賠合約中的一個錯誤。根據安全新創公司 Cyvers 的警報,Hedgey Finance 於 19 月 XNUMX 日在以太坊 (ETH) 和 Arbitrutm (ARB) 區塊鏈上遭到駭客攻擊。賽弗斯報道...


加密貨幣交易遊戲 Banksters 結束空投 NFT 競賽並推出主網

The educational NFT-based crypto trading game Banksters has celebrated the upcoming launch of its Mainnet with a new airdrop that rewards its most active and best performing players. In the first-of-its-kind contest, Banksters pitted its users against each other to compete for one of 1,000 exclusive...





隨著關鍵指標的恢復,柴犬的 Shibarium 飆升 160%

The blockchain solution from Shiba Inu, Shibarium, has soared by an impressive 160% in the last 24 hours, marking a significant recovery in key metrics. According to data from Shibariumscan, transactions on the network surged to a staggering 562,980 within the reviewed period, up from a mere 352,000...


加密貨幣交易遊戲 Banksters 結束空投 NFT 競賽並推出主網

The educational NFT-based crypto trading game Banksters has celebrated the upcoming launch of its Mainnet with a new airdrop that rewards its most active and best performing players. In the first-of-its-kind contest, Banksters pitted its users against each other to compete for one of 1,000 exclusive...


ScapesMania 將休閒遊戲與區塊鏈技術結合

[新聞稿- 塞席爾馬埃島,19 年2024 月19.12 日] ScapesMania 是區塊鏈領域的一個新項目,旨在涉足蓬勃發展的休閒遊戲市場,根據行業預測,到2027 年,該市場預計將達到XNUMX 億美元。 ScapesMania 概述 受成功區塊的啟發...